Swat Gay Heathers: The Senior Year Independent Project That Could
The Ambitious Non-theatre/Non-music Major Puts on a Musical at a College that Doesn’t Do Musicals: A Saga
Spring 2022 Original Swarthmore Production Program
(Concept and Design by Mrinali Taskar and Eva Nahass)
Check out the Official Production Instagram: @swat_gay_heathers
Fight Choreography by Raya Tuffaha and Vocal Coaching by Rachel Camp
Heathers is a notoriously violent show, and Mrinali couldn’t be more grateful to her lovely Fight choreographer/R3TURN co-star/overall phenomenal friend, Raya Tuffaha ‘23. Mrinali also had the honor of working with the incomparable Rachel Camp for sustainable belting technique!
Click Here to View Some Video Snippets from the Production Process
There is no full video with audio of the production (such is the ephemeral nature of live theatre), but there is silent footage of the whole production, footage of the opening number from our closing production, and some behind-the-scenes extras!
Video of the Opening Number from the Closing Performance of Swat Gay Heathers, featuring Mrinali as Veronica Sawyer